From Arequipa to Cusco, via Titicaca Lake

From Arequipa to Cusco, via Titicaca Lake

Est Driving Time
14 to 20 days

1,025 km


From Arequipa, the white city, you will take the road towards the Colca Canyon, with the volcanoes of the Cordillera as a backdrop. After the authentic villages along the canyon, 4,160m deep, and the thermal springs, you will return to the high plateaus where the Titicaca lake lies. Then you will continue in direction of Cusco, passing by the canyons, archaeological sites and colored mountains.

Leg 1 From Arequipa to Chivay

Est Driving Time
4 to 5 hours

167 km

You will leave Arequipa by the North West, towards the Yuraq cement factory. You will climb towards the high plateau linking Puno. But well before, you will take a deviation on the left which will bring you to a pass at 4900m. at the foot of which is Chivay.

Leg 2 Chivay to Puno

Est Driving Time
6 to 7 hours

Once you have visited the Colca Canyon, drive back to the haut plateau, which will take you to Puno. On the way you can stop for scenic pictures on lagoon and nearby mountains. Wind is cold, you are nearly touching the sky!

Leg 3 From Puno to Tinajani

Est Driving Time
3 -4 hours

You will start you way North West to Cusco, on the other extreme of the High Plateau. First drive to Lampa, a traditional town, well known for its basilic and unique artefact.Then you will drive up the valley until you reach the pass which is above the Tinajani Canyon. Enjoy the forest of Puya Raymondi before you go for a hike in the unique geological formations of the Canyon.

Leg 4 From Tinajani to K’anamarka

Est Driving Time
3 hours

Beautiful crossing of the high plateaux. You will reach K’anamarka arechological site in a unique environment, populated by rare hamlets of camelid breeders. Visit this site with no other people around you!

Leg 5 From K’anamarka to Palccoyo

Est Driving Time
4  hours

140 km
Continue your way through Qeswachaka the last inca bridge! Continue in the 4 lakes region and visit these traditional villages. Once in Combapata, go up the valley to Palccoyo Rainbow Mountain!

Leg 6 From Palccoyo to Cusco

Est Driving Time
4 hours

154 km
Today you drive down the valley back to Combapata, before starting the last track to Cusco. On your way you will go trough many andean villages. You might want to stop at Urcos market, or may be you will visit the Andahualillas Sixtine Temple or even Tipon Inca terraces, before you arrive to the uique capital of Cusco!