Around Cusco: Highlands, Sacred Valley and Amazon

Around Cusco: Highlands, Sacred Valley and Amazon

Est Driving Time
7 to 12 days

647 km


trategically positioned at the edge of the awe-inspiring Apurimac Canyon, Cusco serves as the perfect launching pad for a range of exhilarating outdoor activities, like the famous Choquequirao trek, where the beauty of untouched nature meets the mystique of ancient civilizations.

But the adventure doesn’t stop there. Cusco is also the doorway to the Sacred Valley, a serene and fertile land that gently opens up to the vast Amazon basin. The Sacred Valley offers a harmonious blend of natural beauty and cultural heritage, making it a must-visit for those seeking a deeper understanding of Andean life.

Moreover, Cusco is ideally situated for those looking to explore further into the Peruvian Highlands. Venture towards Lake Titicaca and Bolivia, where the high-altitude landscapes reveal crystal-clear waters, floating islands, and a tapestry of indigenous cultures.

Leg 1 From Cusco to Santa Lucía

Est Driving Time
4 to 5 hours

136 km

Leave Cusco to the South, toward Puno. You will first cross the villages of Andahuaylillas, Tipon, Urcos. Soon after Cusipata, cross the Chuquicahuana Bridge; once in Pomacanchis gain altitude until you get to Santa Lucía, a traditional quechua village hanging over the Apurimac Canyon, starting point to Waqra Pukara Hike (2 hours).


Leg 2 From Santa Lucía to Palcoyo

Est Driving Time
4 hours

100 km
Once you have visited Waqra Pukara, drive back to Pomacanchis. From there you have different roads along the beatifual 4 Lakes Valley. Traditional rural life expects you there, with beautiful encounters with locals in beautiful settings. Head back to the main road Cusco-Puno and in Combapata take a new lateral valley to Palccoyo. You can decide to camp before the way up, for more warmth at night.


Leg 3 From Palccoyo to Pisaq

Est Driving Time
3 hours

120 km
Today you will leave the high lands to reach the fertile Sacred Valley. Soon after the entrance of the Valley, you will reach Pisac, in the middle of corn fields. Visit the archeological site and take some time to feel the atmosphere of the indian market.

Leg 4 From Pisaq to Lares

Est Driving Time
3 hours

86 km
Visit the Sacred Valley as you drive to Calca, where you will turn right up the valley. The landscapes will change as you take altitude to reach the last passes before the descent to the Amazon. Surrounded by dramatic mountains, the village of Lares will welcome you with its hotspring.


Leg 5 From Lares to Illapani

Est Driving Time
4 to 5 hours

160 km
Cross the last pass and drive all the way down to the Amazon! The climate and the landscape will change as you drive toward warmer environment. Soon you will be amidst banana plantations, heading next to the river until you get to these beautiful Illapani Waterfalls.

Leg 6 From Illapani to Tunkimayo

Est Driving Time
2 hours

80 km
Keep on discovering La Convention Province, which basically covers the Amazon region of Cusco Department. Enjoy a warmer climate as you discover news fauna like the Galito de la Roca specific to this place. You might also want to learn more about cacao and coffee farming.

Leg 7 From Tunkimayo to Santa Teresa

Est Driving Time
2 hours

80 km
Leave Quillabamba this morning to climb up to Santa Maria and then Santa Teresa. Drive slowly and carefully as the road is on permanent maintenance, due to frequent landslides during the rain season. Once in Santa Teresa, you can enjoy the beautiful hostsprings, before heading to Hidroelectrica, start point to Machu Picchu, for the night.

Leg 8 From Santa Teresa to Chinchero

Est Driving Time
5-6 hours

204 km
Today you drive back to the Andes! First you have to reach the last guardian, the Malaga Pass, 4300m high, before descending back to the Sacred Valley. Once in Urubamba, turn right and reach the villages of Maras and Moray (Salt Mines and agro-archeological sites).